Town Board Minutes – June 12, 2024

June 12, 2024
7:00 P.M.

The Town Board of the Town of Pavilion held the Regular Board meeting on June 12, 2024 at the Town Hall, One Woodrow Drive, Pavilion, New York 14525 at 7:00 pm Present were:

Supervisor James Thater                    

Councilperson John Rudgers              Absent            

Councilperson Donald Oberlin                      

Councilperson Dean Davis                            

Councilperson Kenneth Steinmetz        

Others: Cindy Starr, James Cleveland, Stacy Halsted, Marcia White, Ava Jensen, Scott Savidge, George Jinks & Rich Slimack.

Following pledge to the Flag, Supervisor Thater opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

At 7:02 Supervisor Thater opened the Public Hearing meeting Local Law 1-2024 Animal Control Law.

At 7:40PM a motion by Councilperson Steinmetz and second by Councilperson Davis to close Public Hearing meeting and return to Regular meeting.

Highway-James Cleveland

            *Roadside mowing is complete

            *Pavilion Center culvert project to start 2nd week of July

            *Parking lot project to start last week of June

Highway-John Rudgers -No Report

Sewer- Donald Oberlin          

            *SEQR needs approval.

Code Enforcement-Kenneth Steinmetz -No Report

Water -Dean Davis

            *Water District #7 update.

Councilperson Steinmetz offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Davis

Resolution No 47, 2024: State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) for Wastewater Treatment Plan Disinfection Improvement Project

WHEREAS, the Town of Pavilion Town Board (hereinafter referred to as Town Board) previously completed the State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) for the Town of Pavilion Wastewater Treatment Plan Disinfection Improvements project and made a Determination of Non-Significance on August 12, 2020; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board has now amended the project to also include the replacement of aeration diffusers in the flow equalization tank, and the replacement of valves in the aeration basins all on the same site; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board has determined the above referenced amended Action to be a Type 1 Action pursuant to Part 617 of the State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) Regulations; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board previously provided written notices to this effect to all involved and interested agencies and did not received any written objections from the involved agencies to the Town Board being designated as the lead agency under the SEQR Regulations; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board designated itself as lead agency under the SEQR Regulations at the August 12, 2020 meeting for making the determination of significance upon said action; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board has notified all previously involved and interested agencies that were coordinated with and provided updated information regarding the project amendment as no new involved agencies were identified; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed and accepted the Amended Full Environmental Assessment Form Parts 1, 2, and 3 including the supporting information on the amended Action prepared by the MRB Group (Town Engineer); and

WHEREAS, the Town Board has given consideration to the criteria for determining significance as set forth in Section 617.7(c) (1) of the SEQR Regulations and the information contained in Full Environmental Assessment Form Parts 1, 2, and 3.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the amended Action WILL NOT result in any significant adverse environmental impacts based on the review of the Amended Full Environmental Assessment Form; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Town Board does hereby make a Determination of Non-Significance on said amended Action, and the Town Supervisor is hereby directed to sign the Full Environmental Assessment Form Part 3, the Negative Declaration, as evidence of the Town Board determination of environmental non-significance.

Approved by unanimous vote (4-0). Voting was as follows:

Supervisor James Thater                     Aye

Councilperson John Rudgers              Absent

            Councilperson Donald Oberlin           Aye

Councilperson Dean Davis                 Aye

Councilperson Kenneth Steinmetz     Aye

Supervisor Thater offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Davis

Resolution No 48, 2024: Local Law 1-2024 Animal Control Law.

RESOLVED: Approve Local Law #1-2024 entitled “A Local Law 1-2024 Amending Local Law #2-2010 Dog Control Law of the Town of Pavilion renamed Animal Control Law.

Approved by unanimous vote (4-0). Voting was as follows:

Supervisor James Thater                     Aye

Councilperson John Rudgers              Absent

            Councilperson Donald Oberlin           Aye

Councilperson Dean Davis                 Aye

Councilperson Kenneth Steinmetz     Aye

Councilperson Steinmetz offered a motion, seconded by Supervisor Thater

Resolution No 49, 2024: Budget Transfers

 Transfer From: A1990.4        Contingency                                                $2,150.00
                                                                                   TOTAL:                   $2,150.00

Transfer To:    A1410.1A Deputy Town Clerk Svc.                          $2,000.00
                        A1410.2 Clerk Equipment                                             $150.00
                                                                             TOTAL:                 $2,150.00

Approved by unanimous vote (4-0). Voting was as follows:

Supervisor James Thater                     Aye

Councilperson John Rudgers              Absent

            Councilperson Donald Oberlin           Aye

Councilperson Dean Davis                 Aye

Councilperson Kenneth Steinmetz     Aye

Councilperson Davis offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Oberlin to approve the May 8, 2024 regular and organizational meeting minutes.

Approved by unanimous vote (4-0). Voting was as follows:

Supervisor James Thater                     Aye

Councilperson John Rudgers              Absent

            Councilperson Donald Oberlin           Aye

Councilperson Dean Davis                 Aye

Councilperson Kenneth Steinmetz     Aye

Councilperson Oberlin offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Davis to authorize the clerk to draw a warrant on the supervisor to pay bills. General $39,610.41 T&A $45,079.14; Sewer; $17,793.99, Highway; $15,874.88, Water $51,874.98, Capital; 445.50

TOTAL $170,678.90

Councilperson Oberlin offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Davis to

Approve May 2024 operating statement, bank reconciliation & clerk report.

Approved by unanimous vote (4-0). Voting was as follows:

Supervisor James Thater                     Aye

Councilperson John Rudgers              Absent

            Councilperson Donald Oberlin           Aye

Councilperson Dean Davis                 Aye

Councilperson Kenneth Steinmetz     Aye

Councilperson Steinmetz made a motion at 8:02 PM to adjourn the meeting seconded by Councilperson Oberlin Voting all ayes.

Respectfully submitted,

Lucinda Starr