Town Board Minutes – July 10, 2024

The Town Board of the Town of Pavilion held the Regular Board meeting on July 10, 2024 at the Town Hall, One Woodrow Drive, Pavilion, New York 14525 at 7:00 pm Present were:

Supervisor James Thater                    

Councilperson John Rudgers                         

Councilperson Donald Oberlin                      

Councilperson Dean Davis                            

Councilperson Kenneth Steinmetz        Absent

Others: Cindy Starr, Marcia White, Rod West, Mike Bradley, George Jinks & Rich Slimack.

Following pledge to the Flag, Supervisor Thater opened the meeting at 7:02PM.

Highway-James Cleveland-Absent

Highway-John Rudgers –

            *Town Parking lot is done, job well done.

            *Pavilion Center Rd culvert project will start Monday,  July 15, 2024

            * Black St Rd paving to start August 18, 2024

* New plow truck building start date is August 12, 2024, there is a chance it will be in service for this season.

Sewer- Donald Oberlin

*Bidding for sewer project is open until July 31, 2024, sealed bids will be  open at  August 7, 2024  town board meeting.

*July 17, 2024 at 10:00am a walk through at sewer plant.

Code Enforcement-Kenneth Steinmetz – James Thater

*Received copy of decommission bond for solar project, to be reviewed by Town Attorney.

Water -Dean Davis

Councilperson Davis offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Oberlin

Resolution No 50, 2024: Town Meeting Rules of Order

I.  During the course of conducing business, engaging in debate, or providing information,
town board members should not engage in conversation with public in attendance unless
on a prearranged topic (e.g. guest present to discuss topic which was added to the agenda
prior to the meeting) — exceptions may be granted by the majority consent of the board.

ll.   A public comment session may be placed on the agenda — the town board shall not
respond to any comments made unless with consent of the majority of the board —
personal comments are not appropriate and the Supervisor has the authority to end the
public comment session if deemed necessary; each person speaking will be limited to
three minutes.
III.  Public hearings, established by prior public notice, are an opportunity to share ideas
specific to a stated topic — while a sign-up sheet may also be utilized, those wishing to
comment must state their name and permanent address — speakers will have up to three
minutes to present their comments; personal comments are not appropriate; comments
must be specific to the topic; town board may decide not to comment.

IV. Executive Session
   A.   Matters that may imperil public safety if disclosed
   B.   Matters that may disclose identity of law enforcement agent
   C.   Information regarding current/future investigations/prosecutions of criminal offense
          which may imperil law enforcement if disclosed
  D.   Discussions of proposed/pending current litigation
  E.   Collective negotiations pursuant to civil service law
  F.    Medical/financial/credit/employment history of person/corporation or matters
         leading to
         removal of person/corporation
  G.   Proposed acquisition/sale/lease of real property or proposed
         acquisition/sale/exchange of securities held by public body when publicity may affect
        their value

Approved by unanimous vote (4-0). Voting was as follows:

Supervisor James Thater                     Aye

Councilperson John Rudgers              Aye

            Councilperson Donald Oberlin           Aye

Councilperson Dean Davis                 Aye

Councilperson Kenneth Steinmetz     Absent

Councilperson Davis offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Rudgers

Resolution No 51, 2024: Authorizing participation by the Genesee County Soil and         Water Conservation District in the Water Quality Improvement Project Program.

WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has issued a Request for Proposals inviting eligible entities to submit proposals for funding under Round 20 of the Water Quality Improvement Project Program; and

WHEREAS, funds are available for projects that consist of activities that directly improve water quality or habitat, promote flood risk reduction, restoration, and enhanced flood and climate resiliency, or protect a drinking water source; and

WHEREAS, the Genesee County Soil and Water Conservation District has determined that certain work, as described in its application and attachments, the Pavilion Salt Storage Replacement Project is in the public interest and consists of activities that will improve water quality or habitat.

NOW, THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Genesee County Soil and Water Conservation District Board

1) That James Thater, Town of Pavilion Supervisor, or such person’s successor in office, is the representative to act on behalf of the Town of Pavilion governing body in all matters related to State Assistance under Round 20 of the Water Quality Improvement Project Program.  The representative is authorized to make application, execute the contract for State Assistance, submit project documentation, and otherwise act for the District governing body in all matters related to the Project;

2) That the District agrees to fund its portion of the cost of the Project as provided in the application;

3) That one (1) certified copy of this Resolution be prepared and attached to the application for funding under Round 20 of the Water Quality Improvement Project Program;

           4) That this resolution take effect immediately.

I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the Genesee County Soil and Water Conservation District at a meeting held on ninth day of July in the year 2024.

Approved by unanimous vote (4-0). Voting was as follows:

Supervisor James Thater                     Aye

Councilperson John Rudgers              Aye

            Councilperson Donald Oberlin           Aye

Councilperson Dean Davis                 Aye

Councilperson Kenneth Steinmetz     Absent

Councilperson Rudgers offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Davis to approve the June 12, 2024 regular & Public hearing meeting minutes.

Approved by unanimous vote (4-0). Voting was as follows:

Supervisor James Thater                     Aye

Councilperson John Rudgers              Aye

            Councilperson Donald Oberlin           Aye

Councilperson Dean Davis                 Aye

Councilperson Kenneth Steinmetz     Absent

Councilperson Oberlin offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Davis to authorize the clerk to draw a warrant on the supervisor to pay bills. General $32,465.00 T&A $30,731.53; Sewer; $13,191.13, Highway; $57,655.75, Water , Capital;

TOTAL $134,043.41

Councilperson Oberlin offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Davis to

Approve June 2024 operating statement, bank reconciliation & clerk report.

Approved by unanimous vote (4-0). Voting was as follows:

Supervisor James Thater                     Aye

Councilperson John Rudgers              Aye

            Councilperson Donald Oberlin           Aye

Councilperson Dean Davis                 Aye

Councilperson Kenneth Steinmetz     Absent

At 8:15PM Councilperson Davis offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Rudgers to move to executive session for collective bargaining issue.

At 8:30PM Councilperson Davis offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Rudgers to close executive session return to regular meeting.

Councilperson Davis made a motion at 8:30PM to adjourn the meeting seconded by Councilperson Oberlin Voting all ayes.

Respectfully submitted,

Lucinda Starr