Town Planning Board Minutes – January 15, 2025


Regular Meeting Minutes January 15, 2025

Board Members Present : Scott Savidge (Chairperson),Tim Welch (Co-Chairperson), Don Brooks, Liz Conway, Gary Kingsley, Andres Manamon(alternate), Lisa Schiske, Glen Taylor, Lisa Sauer(clerk)

Board Members Absent: None

Guest: Troy Williams(Zoning), Stephen Gould(Har-go Farms, LLC)

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Scott Savidge. The Pledge of Allegiance opened the meeting.

Minutes from the 12/18/24 meeting were reviewed. Moved by Don Brooks and seconded by Tim Welch to approve minutes. Voice vote unanimous. (8)

Continued discussion on the Cato St Development Project Scott reviewed last month’s meeting discussions /concerns with Mr Gould. i.e. parking, front door, walkway and survey.

Genesee County Planning Board met on 1/9/25 Referral ID T-012-PAV-01-24 Applicant’s Name: Har-go Requesting a Special use Permit for 6932 Cato St. Zoned commercial- to convert a former church/dentist office into four new apartments. The County Board approved-“The proposed apartments should pose no significant county wide or inter- community impact.”

Survey done as part of the purchase 2 years ago, is valid.

Scott did speak to the attorney in regards to front door/ walkway would have to be a shared liability

Mr Gould introduced himself and presented to the Board Members the history of the building. He handed out new plans for parking.

SEQR Resolution to Designate the Planning Board As Lead Agency : .Motion to approve resolution made by Tim Welch, seconded by Don Brooks. Voice vote unanimous (8).

Scott Savidge read through the documents and questions with Board Members.

Approval SEQR Part I and Part II -No significant impact on the Environment. No further action Tim Welch made a motion -SEQR demonstrates no significant environmental impact, seconded by Liz Conway. Roll call vote Taken: Tim Welch-Yes, Gary Kingsley- Yes, Glen Taylor-Yes Liz Conway-Yes, Scott Savidge-Yes,Don Brooks-Yes, Lisa Schiske-Yes Motion Carried.

New Business: No pending activity per Troy Williams

Next Meeting: February 19, 2025 Public Hearing Cato St Project and possible vote.

8:04 pm Motion to adjourn by Tim Welch, seconded by Lisa Schiske. Voice vote was unanimous.(8)

Submitted by Lisa Sauer 1/23/25