Town Board – Minutes 2/14/2024

February 14, 2024
7:00 P.M.

The Town Board of the Town of Pavilion held the Regular Board meeting on February 14, 2024 at the Town Hall, One Woodrow Drive, Pavilion, New York 14525 at 7:00 pm Present were:

Supervisor James Thater                    

Councilperson John Rudgers                         

Councilperson Donald Oberlin          

Councilperson Dean Davis                            

Councilperson Kenneth Steinmetz                                                                            

Others: Cindy Starr, James Cleveland, Scott Savidge, Bryan Smart Todd Hackett & George Jinks

Following pledge to the Flag, Supervisor Thater opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

Highway-James Cleveland

                        *Parking lot and Woodrow Drive in need of repair getting quotes

                        *Received quotes for shop floor drain

                                    Veley Masonry & Concrete-$19,520.00

                                    Baltz Concrete  $22,300.00

Highway-John Rudgers – no report

Sewer- Donald Oberlin –

                        *CME Associates completed plot testing.

Code Enforcement-Kenneth Steinmetz

*Solar permit has been approved through planning board.

Water -Dean Davis –no report

Councilperson Steinmetz offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Davis

Resolution No 28, 2024: Shop Drain Repair

RESOLVED:  Accept bid from Veley Masonry & Concrete in the amount of $19,520.00 for the repair of the highway shop drain.

Approved by unanimous vote (5-0). Voting was as follows:

Supervisor James Thater                     Aye

Councilperson John Rudgers              Aye

Councilperson Donald Oberlin           Aye

 Councilperson Dean Davis                 Aye

Councilperson Kenneth Steinmetz     Aye

Supervisor Thater offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Steinmentz

Resolution No 29, 2024: Shop Drain Grating

RESOLVED:  J. Kozel & Son provide highway shop steel for drain grating in the amount of $5,360.00

Approved by unanimous vote (5-0). Voting was as follows:

Supervisor James Thater                     Aye

Councilperson John Rudgers              Aye

Councilperson Donald Oberlin           Aye

Councilperson Dean Davis                 Aye

Councilperson Kenneth Steinmetz     Aye

Councilperson Oberlin offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Rudgers

Resolution No 30, 2024: Budget Transfer short term loan.

RESOLVED:  Transfer from general fund A391 $40,000.00 to sewer fund SS630 with interest rate of 5% to be paid back by September 30,2024.

Approved by unanimous vote (5-0). Voting was as follows:

Supervisor James Thater                     Aye

Councilperson John Rudgers              Aye

Councilperson Donald Oberlin           Aye

 Councilperson Dean Davis                 Aye

Councilperson Kenneth Steinmetz     Aye

Councilperson Steinmetz offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Davis

Resolution No 31, 2024: CME Associates Change order WWTP Disinfection Improvement Project.

RESOLVED: Sewer project change order for addition test plot services to CME Associates in the amount of $6,083.00.

Approved by unanimous vote (5-0). Voting was as follows:

Supervisor James Thater                     Aye

Councilperson John Rudgers              Aye

Councilperson Donald Oberlin           Aye

Councilperson Dean Davis                 Aye

Councilperson Kenneth Steinmetz     Aye

Councilperson Rudgers offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Oberlin

Resolution No 32, 2024: Zoning Board of Appeals Appointment

RESOLVED: Appoint John Sardinia to Zoning Board of Appeals with term to expire December 31, 2026.

Approved by unanimous vote (5-0). Voting was as follows:

Supervisor James Thater                     Aye

Councilperson John Rudgers              Aye

 Councilperson Donald Oberlin           Aye

 Councilperson Dean Davis                 Aye

Councilperson Kenneth Steinmetz     Aye

Councilperson Oberlin offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Rudgers to approve the January 10, 2024 regular and organizational meeting minutes.

Approved by unanimous vote (5-0). Voting was as follows:

Supervisor James Thater                     Aye

Councilperson John Rudgers              Aye

Councilperson Donald Oberlin           Aye

Councilperson Dean Davis                 Aye

Councilperson Kenneth Steinmetz     Aye

Councilperson Davis offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Steinmetz to authorize the clerk to draw a warrant on the supervisor to pay bills. General $38,292.42 T&A $50,288.82; Sewer; $19,977.68, Highway; $39,661.09, Water $4,542.24.

TOTAL $152,761.63

Councilperson Davis offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Steinmetz to

Approve Jan 2024 operating statement, bank reconciliation & clerk report.

Approved by unanimous vote (5-0). Voting was as follows:

Supervisor James Thater                     Aye

Councilperson John Rudgers              Aye

Councilperson Donald Oberlin           Aye

Councilperson Dean Davis                 Aye

Councilperson Kenneth Steinmetz     Aye

Councilperson Davis made a motion at 8:17 PM to adjourn the meeting seconded by Councilperson Steinmetz. Voting all ayes.

Respectfully submitted,

Lucinda Starr