Town Board – Rules of Order

  1. During the course of conducting business, engaging in debate, or providing information,
    town board members should not engage in conversa􀆟on with public in attendance unless
    on a prearranged topic (e.g. guest present to discuss topic which was added to the agenda
    prior to the mee􀆟ng) — exceptions may be granted by the majority consent of the board.
  2. A public comment session may be placed on the agenda — the town board shall not
    respond to any comments made unless with consent of the majority of the board —
    personal comments are not appropriate and the Supervisor has the authority to end the
    public comment session if deemed necessary; each person speaking will be limited to
    three minutes.
  3. Public hearings, established by prior public notice, are an opportunity to share ideas
    specific to a stated topic — while a sign-up sheet may also be utilized, those wishing to
    comment must state their name and permanent address — speakers will have up to three
    minutes to present their comments; personal comments are not appropriate; comments
    must be specific to the topic; town board may decide not to comment.
  4. Executive Session
    A. Matters that may imperil public safety if disclosed
    B. Matters that may disclose identity of law enforcement agent
    C. Information regarding current/future investigations/prosecutions of criminal offense
    which may imperil law enforcement if disclosed
    D. Discussions of proposed/pending current litigation
    E. Collective negotiations pursuant to civil service law
    F. Medical/financial/credit/employment history of person/corporation or matters
    leading to appointment/employment/promotion/demotion/discipline/suspension/dismissal/
    removal of person/corporation
    G. Proposed acquisition/sale/lease of real property or proposed
    acquisition/sale/exchange of securities held by public body when publicity may affect
    their value