Town Planning Board Minutes – December 18, 2024

Regular Meeting Minutes December 18, 2024

Board Members Present : Scott Savidge (Chairperson), Tim Welch(Vice Chairperson), Don Brooks, Liz Conway, Gary Kingsley, Andres Manamon(alternate), Lisa Schiske, Lisa Sauer(clerk)

Board Members Absent: Glen Taylor

Guests: Jim Thater (Town Supervisor) 7:21

Visitors: None

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Scott Savidge. The Pledge of Allegiance opened the meeting.

Moved by Don Brooks, seconded by Gary Kingsley to approve the minutes from the meeting on 7/17/24. Voice vote unanimous. (7 votes)

New Business: 6982 Cato Street development project

The Applicants are not present at the meeting. They are looking to convert the existing commercial property located at 6982 Cato St to 4 apartments. The main issue is parking. At this time, The Planning Board has not yet received an official application or SEQR. It is to go to the County Planning Board to be reviewed in early January. Scott would like to discuss the pending project with the Board members and discuss parking, along with any other concerns the Board may have.

There are currently 2 apartments connected to the building. Code requires that each apartment have (2) parking spaces per apartment. The existing used apartments have 2 spaces each as required however the new apartments do not.

The purchased property at 6932 Cato St. is zoned commercial Previously it has been a church, dental office and restaurant. The applicants would like to convert the building apartments. This is allowed in the commercial district with a special permit. Each apt has to have 2 off street parking spaces. There are 2 existing apts now in back, parking appropriate for them.

Informal meeting a few weeks ago with the applicants, regarding parking spaces. They are hoping to keep the grassy areas. Jim Thater (Town Supervisor), Jaimie Cleveland (Highway Superintendent), Troy Williams (Zoning), Ken Steinmetz(Town Board), and Scott Savidge. Applicant wanted to take 4 parking spots already in existence However this was declined. The Town did not want to take away municipal parking. Off street parking needs to be met. The Board members discussed possible ideas. Another issue that needs some clarification of the property line. The tax parcel and the Survey do not match. Need a definite answer on the survey. According to the survey, the property line is the front edge of the building, thus the front door, stairs, and bushes are actually not part of the property, it would be town property. The tax parcel shows the property going to the middle of West Park. Troy Williams is going to reach out to True North Land Surveying LLC in Buffalo to verify. Scott will have Troy reach out to the Applicants to see their plans.

Pending for this project:
*Information still has to go to the County Planning Board
*Survey needs to be verified
*Parking plans. No municipal parking spots allowed

New Business: None 8:03 pm

Motion to adjourn by Lisa Schiske, seconded by Don Brooks. Voice vote was unanimous.(7)

Draft submitted by Lisa Sauer 12/26/24